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Watch How These South American Architects Construct a Brickless Brick Wall


Using concrete and bricks made of raw mud, architects Solanito Benitez, Solano Benitez, Gloria Cabral, Maria Rovea and Ricardo Sargiotti built a wall able to be constructed by the two materials working in tandem. Once the concrete dries, the bricks are washed away, returning the mud back to its natural state, leaving spaces in the lines of concrete, like a kind of negative.

This artistic intervention arose from an invitation to participate in an art exhibition in Unquillo MUVA, Cordoba, Argentina from April 11 to May 3, 2014.

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Watch How These South American Architects Construct a Brickless Brick Wall - More Images+ 12

Description by the Architects. We needed an open space close to the largest exhibition hall where we could come and go easily, which is how we ended up at the stable. It’s a building that had fortunately not been well maintained and still showed traces of time on its walls: fallen plaster and sunken mortar and bricks in all their splendor. A raised walkway 1.30 meters high separates the path from the imposing side wall.

Cortesía de Ricardo Sargiotti

We built a wall 17 meters long on the platform, with a mesh front facing the public and a zigzagging side (to avoid having to make reinforcements or adding any anti-seismic components) which faced the stable.

Cortesía de Ricardo Sargiotti

The wall was built with unfired bricks, in their airing out stage, and were laid on a layer of mortar made of sand and lime that was 3cm thick. After four days, the original bricks were pushed out with pressure washers along with any other tool that could break through the thick mud bricks. 

Cortesía de Ricardo Sargiotti

Like a mirror image of the aging stable walls, here it’s the mortar that stayed behind, working as fibers, in the best way they know how"Taken away" lies in a sequence (that time could only have done), and returns to the earth to in its original state. It is a brick wall forever missing its bricks. 

Lo que me llevo (acerca de las ausencias)

Lo que uno porta consigo
Lo que uno porta consigo

Con un acento
Un camino y un acceso

Lo que falta es
Una promesa

Una ausencia
Una construcción
Está en otro sitio
Como sus ladrillos

Architects: Solanito Benítez, Solano Benítez, Gloria Cabral, María Rovea, Ricardo Sargiotti
Colaborators: Juan Camps, Santiago Ruiz, Emiliano Sánchez, Kevin Vitale

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Cite: Franco, José Tomás. "Watch How These South American Architects Construct a Brickless Brick Wall" [Experiencia MUVA: Un muro de ladrillos con su ausencia final] 01 Nov 2016. ArchDaily. (Trans. Valletta, Matthew) Accessed 1 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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